2019-08-17 - Habanero Hundred 10k

^z 30th April 2023 at 10:07am

~6.2 mi @ ~14.5 min/mi

"You look like the kind of person who would do this crazy thing!" says a fellow runner at high noon with temps in the upper-90s & lower-100s. We're about to start the Habanero Hundred in east central Texas - though note that Roadkill is just doing the 10k single-lap option. Thank goodness, given mega-sunburn within 90 minutes!

After the first mile reality sets in and pace slows to a walk for most of the journey, with a faux-sprint to the finish line when people are watching. Eye-catching Texas flag gear abounds. The course meanders along horse trails through scrub brush land of the 7iL Ranch near Cat Spring. The owner, Faye, is friendly and helpful. She's in her 70s and tells of a Swiss "Zimmermann" great-grandparent. Since her father had only daughters, she got to do the herding, branding, castrating, etc.

Mega-kudos to DD/Keith & DSiL/Rita for cheering (and enabling) this humbling experiment in high heat and humidity; hats-off to Trail Racing Over Texas for its great management and attitude. Official 10k results: 25th place of 85 finishers, 90.1 minutes, first (and last!) over age 65, first (of 2!) from outside Texas.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-09-05